
Hello, this blog covers all the research and planning into our slasher film opening, Camp Ivy. Co-produced with Kate and Millie, and influenced from films such as Friday the 13th and set in a rural location inspired by Eden Lake.

Monday, 21 January 2013

SlasherEG9: Friday the 13th JasonX

DVD cover
Friday the 13th Jason X 
(James Isaac, 2001)

Budget: $11m (estimated)
Box Office: $12.6m (USA) £230k (UK)

opening shot
This is one of the opening shots of the film. As this is a sequel the majority of the audience will have watched the previous films and know that this is the antagonist of the franchise. In this opening shot he is tied up and this puts the audience in a false sense of security as they think the situation is in equilibrium.
medium close up

This a medium close up of a character that comes across as a final girl type. She is brunette seems intelligent, sensibly dressed and when threatened by authority, still sticks to being sensible and reasonable. The audience at this may presume she will be the main antagonist for the film.


This is an over the shoulder shot of the 'final girl' character talking to an authority figure. She is telling him that they can't transfer the killer as he is secure at the moment and it would be too dangerous. The audience at this point know something bad will happen.

close up

At the end of the opening sequence the 'final girl' character is killed by the killer after he escapes. This shows how the film makers wanted to go against the stereotype of the scream queen, by having a more typical final girl to be one of the first victims. This is also a close up of her face. This will be done to emphasise what has happened without showing the gore which could be seen as more unrealistic.

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