
Hello, this blog covers all the research and planning into our slasher film opening, Camp Ivy. Co-produced with Kate and Millie, and influenced from films such as Friday the 13th and set in a rural location inspired by Eden Lake.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

SlasherEG6: Prom Night

DVD cover
Prom Night 
(Nelson McCormick, 2008)

Budget: $20m (estimated)
Box Office: $43m (USA) £1.2m (UK)

the first titles
The first titles you see are white on a black background and in a serif font. This is a very clear convention across a lot of slasher films.
 The titles then carry on as the opening shot is shown, the titles are to the left hand side of the screen in the same font as the original. The shot is doing a panning shot and following a specific car.
opening shot

panning shot

It is heavily raining in these opening shots. This is a common convention of a lot of slasher films as it sets the mood that something bad may happen.

more titles
 The shot then changes to a close up of the final girl character of the film. This final girl is not the stereotypical final girl, and at first may be mistaken as a scream queen due to her blonde hair which is usually a characteristic of a scream queen.
OTS shot

close up
close up
final girl character then goes into her house, not finding anybody. There is then a close up of a blood covered hand, revealing that her Dad is dead and she hasn't realised. This is an example of dramatic irony, when the audience are aware of more than the characters.

She then sees her dead brother and hides under the bed, there is a good example of close up here. She then sees her mother get killed from her view under the bed by the killer.
the mother

main action

After this opening sequence it then switches to the present tense and you find out this was a dream she is retelling to a councillor. The main action of the film starts here.

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