Who would be the audience of your media product?
The target audience for Camp Ivy would be 15-24 years old. Looking at the BBFC guidelines helped me decide this as it shows a scene of extreme violence and scenes of this nature would continue post film opening.
The target audience are also more likely to be British, as the characters are all from Yorkshire other countries might not understand their accent as they are used to recognising British accents as being more southern. Due to this I think the our production is likely to be popular with more Northern people as they can relate to the characters more and it may seem more realistic and like a similar thing could effect them, making the film scarier. As we are indie film makers, our film would not likely be a hit in the US.
However, Slasher films are known for being popular with a teenage audience and is a genre popular all over the world so this might attract other countries as it is still a situation that isn't just specific to British culture, as a lot of teenagers would go camping.
The secondary target audience would be 18-34 years old. I think the production may also be popular with this age group because this is the age of people that would have been in there teens when the famous slasher films like Friday the 13th films were very popular. This may mean that they are fans of the genre and even though the situation in the film might not relate to them, they are still likely to enjoy the film.
Because the scream queen wearing less clothes as the sequence progresses, part of the audience will be due to the male gaze. But this is still likely to be from teens as the characters are of a similar age. I would expect it to be popular with teenagers that enjoy watching a lot of slasher films as there are intertextual references to Psycho (Alfred Hitchcock).
Here is a post all about the BBFC rating in comparison to our film, and why are film should get the 15 rating.
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