Digitisation is changing a lot how films and movies are distributed. As more and more films are being shown in the cinema digitally and not projected from a roll of film it will gradually become a lot cheaper for a company to distribute a film. A lot more films are also being watched online, which will greatly start to influence DVD sales. This online cheap method of advertising and distributing will make it a lot easier and accessible for indie productions, just like us.
Our production is a micro-budget indie film, it is a slasher film, and doesn't include any established stars. An example of this is Donkey Punch (Oliver Blackburn, 2008). This is a very low budget indie film, but it did get a theatrical release and had very successful DVD sales. Using the internet distributors can very easily advertise to a certain audience and pay for the film to be noticed and seen. Posters are another form of cheaper advertising for an indie as it would be nearly impossible for an indie production like us to have teaser trailers in the cinema.
The budget for our film will be practically zero, as the concept is simple and doesn't involve any costs when it comes to location or props. Due to us being an indie film, it would be impossible for us to be distributed by a company like Universal. There are some UK distributors that have got indie films theatrical releases in the US and will be bias to the fact we are also a UK based production.

Another distributor option very similar is Warp X. It is also a UK company, but it is known for helping promote and distribute indie films. A lot of Warp films are based up North, in a similar region to us. This may mean that they might be more eager to distribute our film and this also shows that we have the opportunity to make our production just as successful as some of the films they have distributed.
Overall, I think that we would be best choosing Optimum Releases as our distributor because they have examples of a lot of indie production which they have made very successful. But, with distribution becoming a lot more digital our indie production would benefit a lot from advertising and having clips on YouTube and social networking sites. This would be a good way to get our film know to our audience as well as having a good distributor. Also by putting things online it is available globally, meaning it would be easier to get more sales from the US and other countries.
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