
Hello, this blog covers all the research and planning into our slasher film opening, Camp Ivy. Co-produced with Kate and Millie, and influenced from films such as Friday the 13th and set in a rural location inspired by Eden Lake.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

The Big Six and Intergration

The Big Six
Globally dominent conglomerate film companies. A conglomerate (NBCUniversal, News Corp) is a company that owns many companies and a subsidiary is the company that the conglomerate owns (20th Century Fox). An example of this is the subsidiary Working title is owned (has a controlling stake) by NBCUniversal which is the conglomerate company.

Some people are referring to Lions Gate as a new entry into the big six and this is why it is included in the table below:

Vertical Intergration
Is when a conglomerate is able to control production, distribution and exhibition all using their subsidiaries. 

Horizontal Intergration
Is when different subsidiaries of the conglomerate work together for mutual gain. Not necessarily subsidiaries from the same industry.

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