
Hello, this blog covers all the research and planning into our slasher film opening, Camp Ivy. Co-produced with Kate and Millie, and influenced from films such as Friday the 13th and set in a rural location inspired by Eden Lake.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Shaun of the Dead Swede

This is the final edited version of our Shaun of the Dead swede..

Our task was in groups of 6 we had to plan and shoot a swede based on a film we had all chosen from the pitches we each gave in class. We chose to do Shaun of the Dead. After filming as a group we then split the group in half and edited the footage in groups of three. This was much easier way as we all got more input into the editing and we could then evaluate how the two groups edited differently and how they could have been improved. 

At the beginning of our swede we did opening credits using a piece of paper as we thought it was more comical then putting them on screen. Someone in our group also sings the theme tune to Shaun of the Dead over this as an introduction to the film. 

opening credits
The first scene we have put into our swede is from the part of the film where the two lead characters are singing and there is a zombie in the back ground. We made this scene more comical by using girls to replace the lead male characters and making the zombie and the way he acts more comical than scary. It is still obvious to anyone who has watched Shaun of the Dead to realise which scene it is from. If we had the chance to remake this swede I would have taken more shot variety as we were very limited for choice  when editing. 

zombie humming scene
The second scene we put in our swede is from the part of the film where they are throwing random house hold objects at the two zombies, for example records. Again we used to girls as the male leads an we tried to replicate the two shots that were shown in the film. A medium close up of the main characters picking up the objects then cutting to an over the shoulder shot behind them and seeing the reaction of the zombies being hit by the items. Instead of using items that they did in the film we thought it would be funny to throw paper instead as it clearly wouldn't kill or even effect a zombie in any way. We thought this would make our swede more comical. 

paper throwing scene
The third scene we chose from Shaun of the Dead was the one where the main character tries to jump over a fence but the fence breaks as he jumps and he falls over. To put our own comical twist on this we used a barrier we could find and again using a girl for lead she didn't break it but pushed it over in advance and stepped over it. If we were to redo the swede I would of filmed it differently as it was very hard to edit. After every shot we couldn't make it look smooth when editing it into the next shot and we should have taken this into considerations when filming. 

In conclusions for a first swede I think it was relatively successful but needs more content and more shot variety. If we were to reshoot I think more planning in necessary before hand to get a better outcome and to make editing a lot easier. 

1 comment:

  1. 1 or more side-by-side comparisons of the orig and the swede would be useful to illustrate the post
