
Hello, this blog covers all the research and planning into our slasher film opening, Camp Ivy. Co-produced with Kate and Millie, and influenced from films such as Friday the 13th and set in a rural location inspired by Eden Lake.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

OpeningsEG3+4:Shane Meadow Films

Dead Man's Shoes (Shane Meadows, 2004)
Produced by:
budget: unknown
Gross: $6000 (not successful in america) 

The music in the opening is non-diegetic as it continues across the different scenes and shots being shown in the opening sequence (audio bridge.) This creates a link between the scenes especially as the start of the film it shows old footage so it creates a link between the characters shown in the old footage and them in current time. 

This is a big jump between childhood and the current day, this is called an elipses.
 The directer is shown as 'A Shane Meadows film' this implies that he had a lot of input and people who have seen his work in the past know that this is a good thing and people who haven't seen any of his work presume he is of some importance. This is a good marketing technique, this also goes by the theory of auteur

There is a cross fade into the bleak landscape. Dry stone walls, very rural and country side. The credits for the lead actors start here appearing at different sides of the screen. There has still been no dialogue and nothing is being given away about the characters at the moment. This is a good example of narrative enigma. Also by doing this they are not giving away any accents or indication of where the film may be set etc.. We are also unsure of the year at this point, very little information about the film is given away in this opening. The screen then fades to black and then out of black and that is the end of the opening sequence.
Length of opening: 4 minutes 15 seconds. 

A Room for Romeo Brass (Shane Meadows, 1999)

Budget: unknown
Gross: $18000

Failed to get a UK cinema release. But a very brief US release and only made $18000. 

The first take of the opening sequence is 1 minute and 10 seconds. This shows that it is more of a drama that an action filled film as they tend to use very short shots. Appears to be a rural setting. There is an initial establishing shot also an extreme long shot. Again this lack of editing implies it will be a drama. Only one company ident. As with Dead Man's shoes the directors name is presented as 'A Shane Meadows Film' this is reflecting the auteur theory

BBC films and The arts council also helped fund this film, as they do with other very low budget films. In the second take the mise-en-scene is a very poor area with metal shutters. This is not very glamorous and the complete opposite to hollywood style films. This is one of the features that indicates it is a social realist film. The non-diegetic music makes the film seem a lot more light-hearted and doesn't make the atmosphere seem serious. This upbeat is played over the whole opening sequence (audio bridge.) 

The length of the opening: 5 minutes 39 seconds.

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